
艾登丝膜的25 always knew he wanted to help people 和 give back to his community, 但我不知道该怎么做. As Aiden reflects on his time in Beloit, he realizes how his professors 和 small classes helped him to narrow down career options 和 grow into the person he wanted to be.

Aiden's perspective on the world broadened on Beloit's diverse campus. His passion for accessible mental health resources grew ... Aiden's perspective on the world broadened on Beloit's diverse campus. His passion for accessible mental health resources grew in his classes, 和 he hopes to purse a career in public health.

Growing up in the rural farming community of Sycamore, 伊利诺斯州, Aiden knew he wanted to attend a college with smaller class sizes.

“I wanted something small where I could feel like myself 和 where I didn’t feel like a number,艾登说。.

Diagnosed with autism at an early age, Aiden felt drawn towards the mental health field. 然而,, with the looming effects of the Covid-19 p和emic, Aiden was uncertain where 和 how to achieve his dreams. While he had a relative who attended Beloit through 2016, Aiden was not familiar with the campus culture 和 the college’s uniqueness.

“My mom 和 I were visiting colleges 和 went, ‘Why not!’ It was beautiful 和 you could just tell it was a welcoming environment. The second time that I visited 和 got the opportunity to speak to more students, I could just tell right away that it would be a great environment,他说.

“Beloit was actually the only school I wrote an essay for through all my college applications,艾登开玩笑说. “It was also definitely the one I had the strongest calling to.”

同时参加两项比赛的运动员 track越野, Aiden prioritized supportive coaches 和 positive athletic environments in his college search.

“One of the biggest things going for Beloit was that I wanted to participate in a sport. I didn’t have the greatest relationship with my coach in high school, so I wanted to find someone to rely on 和 talk to,艾登说.

After years of track 和 越野 experience at Beloit, Aiden says that he’s found the athletics community he was looking for. “埃莉诺摇摇摆摆地走 definitely has been a great backbone for me 和 a great person to lean on 和 talk to. At times she feels more like a big sister. 布莱恩Bliese, my track head coach, feels like the gr和father who is full of wisdom. He’s very knowledgeable 和 kind,艾登说。.

For Aiden, Beloit’s diversity played a role in shaping his outlook on the world. “I didn’t see a lot of diversity growing up. 我想我来伯洛伊特的时候, I didn’t have a lot of knowledge about people from different backgrounds. That was a big culture shock, but also something that I was able to accept right away. I feel like my moral values have always just been treating people with respect 和 getting to know people,艾登说.

“I wanted to get to know people 和 know their stories. Beloit allowed me to meet people from across the road. Some of the best friends I’ve made are from different countries 和 we’re still in contact today. Beloit has a high diversity rating, 和 you meet people you’d never think you’d have the chance to meet, 和 they end up being your best friends. It allows you to see the world from different perspectives 和 allows you to have many different ways of thinking.”

A 心理学 主要的, Aiden is passionate about accessible mental health resources, 和 plans to work within the field. “The people who helped me were heroes, 和 I want to be like that as well,” he stated. “I think in general, there’s a lack of mental health resources. 罗恩·沃森’s Intro to Public Health class really did open my eyes. I think that helped shape my perspective of what I wanted to do. You don’t really hear about a lot of accessible mental health clinics 和 resources, 甚至在伯洛伊特, [和] that’s something that we really need a lot more of.”

回顾, Aiden feels that he made the right decision in attending Beloit, 和 that it has helped him grow as both a student 和 individual. “I didn’t feel like another number in the classroom. I felt like I could be myself 和 grow into the person I wanted to be. I honestly don’t think, as many schools as there are, I could see myself anywhere else. I think Beloit is a special place to be.”

作者:Tazia Machl'27

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